
Delling Cloud lahendused lihtsamaks õpetamiseks ja õppimiseks

Teie valite suuna. Meie viime teid sinna.

Delling Cloud on juhtiv haridustarkvara ja -lahenduste pakkuja, kellel on tuhandeid kliente enam kui 20 riigis. Meie suur kogemus ja pühendunud spetsialistide meeskond aitavad teil leida lahendusi ja vahendeid õppimise ja õpetamise muutmiseks. 

Meie peamised valdkonnad on järgmised transformatsiooniline nõustamine, coaching, koolitus osana lahendustest ja tarkvara jaoks õpilaste hindamine, andmeanalüüs ja klassiruumi juhtimine.

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Siin on, kuidas me aitame teid

1. Koolitus ja nõustamine


saada ekspertide koolitust ja tuge

Our approach to training is all about people and culture, not products and services. Irrespective of what processes, people and technology are in place we know that change happens in incremental steps building on what’s working rather than through radical new approaches. We are trusted change specialists who can help to unlock the hidden potential in your organisation and in doing so create a culture of sustainable innovation. We know that change is achieved with people, not done to them, and from our decades of experience of supporting thousands of clients in over 30 countries we know that change must also be a co-created shared journey. 

Delling Cloud has extensive training expertise in all aspects of Google Workspace for Education. Our team includes Google Certified Trainers, Google Certified Innovators, Google Certified Coaches and more. As a Google Workspace for Education Premier Partner, Cloud Partner & Technology Build Partner, we are pleased to announce that we have now become a Google Workspace for Education Services Partner focusing on professional development (PD), adding to the comprehensive suite of leading Google specialist Google credentials. Our ‘new way to PD’ provides a subscription model for any organisation from a small primary School to a large College, Multi Academy Trust or University to maximise impact in the application of Google technologies. This initiative is delivered through monthly tailored webinars, a dedicated chat line to the PD team as well as being part of a community of innovative educators which you will become part of when you join as a member. For further information please contact us by clicking the button below.

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2. Õpilaste hindamine

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Teha õpilaste hindamine lihtsamaks

Trelson Assessment on Delling Cloudi meeskonnaliikme Online Partneri poolt välja töötatud rakendus digitaalsete eksamite loomiseks, haldamiseks ja hindamiseks koolides ja haridusasutustes.

Trelson Assessment on spetsiaalselt kohandatud Google Workspace for Education'ile, mille tulemuseks on rakendus, mis on tuttav õpetajatele, IT-osakondadele ja õpilastele, kes juba töötavad Google Workspace for Education'i keskkonnas, mis omakorda vähendab oluliselt vajadust täiendava administreerimise ja täiendava koolituse järele.

Võtke meiega ühendust tasuta demo saamiseks!

3. Andmeanalüüs


Privacy Service for Education and Privacy App for students is a Privacy Service for Education and a Privacy App for Students. With schools can manage the whole GDPR Compliance process easily with a ready-made Privacy Framework and all the risk assessments are handled in one centralized place with our GDPR and Education specialized legal team who have done the risk checks already over 4000 digital platforms used in school. providing the Extencive Data Protection Impact Assessments for Google Workspace for Education and Microsoft 365.  

Delling Cloud is the official partner of in Estonia. is developed by Delling Cloud team member Cloudpoint. 

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4. Klassiruumi juhtimine

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Haldage oma klassiruume hõlpsasti Google Classroomis

Classroom ToolBox võimaldab Google Classroomi kasutajatel oma klassiruume hõlpsasti hallata ja juhtida, pakkudes suuremat kontrolli, paindlikkust ja funktsionaalsust iga klassiruumi haldamisel ning üksikasjalikke aruandlusvõimalusi.

Classroom ToolBox loodi koostöös Google Classroomi laialdaselt kasutavate õpetajatega ning on saadaval kahes versioonis: Classroom Toolbox Standard ja täiustatud versioon Classroom Toolbox Plus, mis sisaldab lisafunktsioone. 

Classroom ToolBoxi on välja töötanud Delling Cloudi partner C-Learning.

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